Knowing Your Worth

Often times when we here the words “Know Your Worth” and “Don’t Settle”, we often contribute that statement to relationships. Not settling for less than what you want in a relationship from a guy or girl. Knowing your worth and not devaluing yourself, just to be in a relationship. The truth is, this statement applies to many other scenarios. In the work place, when interviewing you need to know your worth and what you bring to the table, i.e. experience, wisdom, skill set for a job so that you are not underpaid or hold an inappropriate title. When a project is due at work, you don’t settle for mediocrity, you make sure it meets and or excel your standards. So the question I ask, if we know our worth and do not settle in certain parts of our lives. Why do we allow the lack in other areas of our lives?

I’ve learned that the reason why lack may appear in some parts of our lives versus others it is because we don’t believe it for ourselves in those other areas. Somewhere in the process of life we either loss confidence, never had it or allowed circumstances to derail us from our confidence in those areas. It’s very similar to how we as people say God is in control of our careers and we submit to God on those terms, but when it comes to our relationships we lack confidence that God will take care of it.

“Knowing Your Worth” and “Not Settling” applies to friendships as well.  Having clarity of the value you add or bring to a friendship is important. When you have a clear understanding of that, you don’t have a problem walking away from a friendship, if it turns sour or becomes unproductive, or even emotionally or physically draining.  Walking away from it shows that you are not settling for the dysfunctional relationship it may have became. It shows that knowing your worth set the tone or standard that you will not just accept any form of treatment.

“Knowing Your Worth” and “Not Settling” will show up in other areas, if you don’t address it from the source. What I mean by that is that you have to truly analyze yourself and find out the reasons why you are feeling that way. What turn of events may have you questioning yourself? Now don’t get me wrong, we should always take self-inventory and see how we can improve upon things, but we also cannot allow circumstances to define us. We have to understand in life we will encounter some things that may make us question our worth or encounter some things where we may settle. However do not let those be your permanent perspective. See if for what it is and make the adjustment. Get in tuned with who you are. Do not base your worth on external or material things, because those things are fleeting.  Learn your heart and your intentions, what you bring or add to the table. “Knowing Your Worth” and “Not Settling” is extremely freeing. When you have that down, it makes not accepting shenanigans so easy.

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